DEEP RELIEF – How to differentiate aches and pains from serious injuries.

Pain is a general term that describes an uncomfortable sensation in the body that can range from annoying to debilitating. Pain can also be described in various ways such as sharp or dull, throbbing, burning or stinging.  But most of the time, it is just described as sore!

Pain can also come and go or persist all the time.  It can be localised (affecting only a certain part of your body) or it can be generalised (such as flu-related body aches). Pain lets us know that something is wrong and, often, can give us an idea as to the cause. Some pain is easy to diagnose and can be managed at home whilst other types can be an indication of more serious conditions that require medical intervention.

When we follow an active lifestyle, we often experience aches and pains before, during or after exercise or even as part of our daily life activities. We do not want to be restricted and so it is important to note that pain can often be an indicator of an underlying injury. 

To gauge the severity of the injury, it is important to know your body as all of us experience pain in different ways. Often you will know when an injury is more serious and would require medical attention. The following offers some guidance as to when to seek medical help for pain. Remember to always take into consideration the cause of the injury or pain.

When you experience an unusual pain during exercise or daily life activities, it is always a good idea to take a break and to rest from the aggravating activity. If, after a few days of rest, the pain is still there, it might be a good idea to take a further look into its cause.

If swelling occurs at the sight of pain and does not go away after applying ice or topical products, such as Deep Relief, more serious medical help might be needed.

If any bruising or discoloration occurs, it is normally a sign that there is some underlying bleeding at muscular or joint level. Medical intervention will be needed.

If joint stiffness occurs, or if you are unable to use a limb or muscle for a few days with no improvement, it is advised to seek medical help.

If pain occurs at a certain time during the night.

There are many more guidelines, but the above will give you a good indication on when an injury might be more serious. 

General aches and pains will often disappear with rest and the use of topical anti-inflammatories like Deep Relief. For example, if you have just come back from a cycle and you start feeling knee pain; first stretch the related muscles, rest and use Deep Relief. If swelling and pain continues, or reoccurs every time you cycle, further help might be needed.

Remember, it is important to know your body and be able to identify any sudden major changes at the site of pain.  This will give you an indication of the injury and the seriousness thereof.

Article written by EPT – The Ultimate Sports Recovery Experts